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My Anime Academia

My Anime Academia

Jacob Ols / October 3, 2024

My Anime Academia is a full-stack application created using ReactJs, powered by NodeJs with Express. The application is a great way for the user to discover new anime's they would enjoy. Using the Jikan API to fetch anime data to display to the user. The user may also use a built in search feature to search for anime titles.

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  • Discovery: Discover new anime titles to watch.
  • Search: The search feature allows the user to search anime by title. While searching for a title the search feature will return a list of every anime title with a similar name.

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  • Random anime generator: If the user is unsure of what to watch or search for, the user can generator 25 random anime titles by clicking the button at the bottom of the home page.

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  • Stash: A built in feature allowing users to store anime titles they're interested in. After the user watches the anime they add to their stash they can remove it by clicking the remove button.

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  • Forms: A feature that allows the user to post topics related to current anime's they're watching, interested in, or dislike.

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  • Vite/ReactJs: A React framework for building static and dynamic websites.
  • NodeJs/Express: A file format that allows you to write JSX in your Markdown files.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for building custom designs.
  • Nodemon: A command-line tool that automatically restarts a Node.js application when it detects changes to files in the project directory.
  • MongoDB: A noSQL database used to store data from the application.


My anime academia is a simple but effect application to discover new anime titles. While also providing a method to save titles that the user is interested in.